A Message From
Adrian Newman, President

Adrian Newman

From the beginning of humankind, we’ve thirsted for information. In fact, virtually all of the greatest inventions and innovations in our history were borne out of the desire to get as much information as possible.

From the cave drawings of our prehistoric ancestors to Twitter…

From the carrier pigeon to instant messaging…

From the telegraph to today’s complicated cell phone networks…

From newspapers to the Internet…information is the currency upon which our civilization is built.

And, since 1986, Lombardi Publishing Corporation has been one of the leaders in providing quality and diverse information to over one million customers in 141 different countries.

And, just like the inventions that helped humankind acquire more inventions, Lombardi Publishing has evolved over the more than quarter-century since we printed our first newsletter.

Humble beginnings: from a single stock market newsletter to a bevy of advisories focusing on everything from penny stocks, to precious metals, to foreign investing, to global economic commentary.

And, as the global marketplace becomes more and more unpredictable, we’ve introduced advisories that are specifically written to keep you protected, and could even help you prosper in what is shaping up to be a very difficult economic time in our history.

When it comes to providing information, we here at Lombardi Publishing make sure it gets to you accurately, quickly, and in a format that is easy for you to take action upon. We feel it’s our duty as an information publisher to give you everything you need to make informed decisions that affect your daily quality of life.

When you become a Lombardi customer, you become part of our family. And, because of that, our door is always open. We encourage our readers’ feedback, positive or otherwise, to help us achieve our goal of 100% satisfaction. Our team of writers, researchers, designers, and customer care specialists do everything in their power to make sure you get only the high quality of information you come to expect from Lombardi Publishing.

So, welcome to the Lombardi Publishing family. We appreciate your involvement, and look forward to a happy, healthy and profitable relationship today and in the long-term future.

Sincerely yours,

Adrian Newman
President, Lombardi Publishing Corporation

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